3 Nov 2016


Ad Text Structure

The ad text you will learn in this article is about the promotion of goods and services. You are expected to be able to understand the product sample text ad below. An ad text has a structure consisting of titles, product names, and descriptions of products.

1)  Title, located at the very top of the text ads, but not all of the ads include a title, some text ads put the name of the product at the very top.

2) Product name, contains the name of the product being advertised.

3) An explanation of the product, contains a description of the product being advertised, such as specifications, how to get the advertised product, addresses, and phone numbers can be contacted

24 Okt 2016



1. Style Language: Hyperbole
Advertising Products: Attack Easy
Sentence: With the power of 10 hands, easy nyuci so lightly

Attack Ads Easy to use hyperbolic language style. Hyperbolic language style is the style of language used to describe the state excessively. Hyperbolic language style is in the phrase â € œdengan strength of 10 hands, easy nyuci so entengâ €. Announces that the language style with easy Attack individually washing clothes feels different because it can help with 10 hands.

2. Style Language: Repetition
Advertising Products: Sari Roti
Sentence: Sari sari bread loaf of bread

Ads Sari Roti use stylistic repetition. Repetition language style is a style particular to repeat the words several times. Stylistic repetition is at the sentence â € œsari bread cider rotiâ €. The language style is intended to make the consumers always remember the name of the bakery products. And indirectly sentences used berulang2 will make it easier for consumers will be the name of the bakery products.

3. Style Language: Climax
Advertising Products: Yamaha Motor
Sentence: Yamaha No. 1 in the world!

Ad Yamaha uses language style climax. Climax language style is a style language that uses something successive increasingly peaked. Stylistic climax is at the sentence â € œYamaha No. 1 in the world! Â €. This style of language stating that Yamaha is a product of the best quality two-wheel vehicle No. 1 in the world and there is no better product from Yamaha.

11 Okt 2016

ADVERTISING (Definition, Types, Requirements, and Sample Ad)

Recognition of advertising is one of the Indonesian material we will study this time. The material that will be discussed this time is understanding, the types, terms, and also an example of advertising. The types of ads are distinguished by two kinds, the first kind of advertising which are distinguished based on the content and the second is the type of advertising that is differentiated by the media used.

Definition of advertisement Advertising is a form of communication from a person, institution, or company that is used to convey information interesting for an audience interested in using something that is advertised. Ad Types by Content Based on the contents, advertising can be divided into three types as follows.

1) Advertisement announcement or notice, which aims to draw attention to the ads that the general public about a case notifications, such as ads grief.

2) Advertising offers (commercial), which is an ad that aims to offer something, such as commercial goods advertising.

3) Public service ads, the ad aims to shed light on some things, such as a ban on advertising drugs and free sex.

Types of Ads by Media Used.

Based on the media being used, advertising can be divided into 4 types including the following.

A) Radio ads, the ads delivered with sound effects.

B) Print ads, the ads use the print and image effects.

C) The television ad, the ad uses sound effects, images, and text.
D) Classifided ads, that is, ads are delivered in a column in the print media and only consists of a few lines. The cost is based on the number of lines used

Advertising Terms
Terms of an advertisement is a reference or thing that must be met for something that can be considered as advertising. Something can be said as an ad if it meets two of the following conditions.

1) Its contents are objective, honest, concise, clear, draw attention, not to offend others.

2) Ad language should be a positive connotation, easy to remember, easy to understand, and give rise to a curious attitude for the masses

Sample ad

Brochures and newsletters is one example of an ad that often we encounter in everyday life. But it is also the most frequently encountered are the ads on television. Here I will give an example of an ad that is distinguished by its contents.

1) Example Ad Announcement

2) Sample Offer Ads (Commerce)

3) Sample Public Service Ads

9 Okt 2016

Advertisement : Pengertian, Tujuan, Jenis, Ciri, Generic Structure, Dan Contohnya Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Advertisement: Definition, Purpose, Types, Characteristics, Generic Structure, and for example in English
Functional texts can include everything from how-to instructions on the website do-it-yourself product manual for your refrigerator. Other examples include a brochure, menu, warranties, directories, forms to fill out, sign, recipes, and even transport fares. Sala one functional text that often we teui is Advertisement (Advertising). On this occasion IBI will discuss Advertisement (Advertising), let us consider together

1. Understanding Advertisement (Advertising)
Advertisement (Advertising) is a text that has the purpose to announce a something that appeals to many people and to be a famous-added products in all the public in the form of a means of communication with the users of the product or service. Ad paid for by those who sent them and are intended to advise or influence those who received the message. Advertisement is always present, even though people may not be aware of it. In today's world, advertising using any media that may be to pass the message. It is through television, print (newspapers, magazines, journals, etc.), radio, broadcast, internet, direct sales, hoardings, mailer, contests, links, posters, clothing, event, color, sound, visuals and even people (endorsements ). 2. The purpose of Advertisement (Advertising) To invite the listener or reader to buy or use the goods or services offered in the ad. to announce / advertise about a case or a product to the public Communicant sensitize and provide information about a product (can be goods, services, ideas, etc.). Attempting to cause a feeling like yourself communicant on the advertised product by giving preferences will-preferences will. Konumikan convince the truth of these products so that they berusahaan to own or use the product. From the standpoint of the consumer, consumers become aware of information about these products, good prices, specifications, functions, etc. 3. Type of Advertisement (Advertising) Based on the type of media used, the ad can be classified as follows: A. Print Ads Print ads are the types of ads that are published using print media such as newspapers, magazines, tabloids, and others. based on the space used in the media of newspapers, magazines, tabloids, known ads in two forms, namely: Classifieds and Advertising Column B. Advertorial Ad advertorial is a type of advertising that is packaged as news. C. Display Ads Judging from the shape, display advertising is greater than the advertising columns. In this ad, display images and text larger. D. Electronic Advertising Electronic ad is an ad published in the electronic media. Electronic advertising can be classified into: radio ads, television ads, Internet advertising, advertising, public service announcements. 4. Characteristics of Advertisement (Advertising) Advertisement advertisement has characteristics of language as follows: Choice of words used menonjolakan information necessitated Choice of words used indicate the target Interesting choice of words used, precise, logical, and courteous. Choice of words used have a suggestion for the audience. 5. Generic Structure Advertisement (Advertising) Purpose (Destination) What was the purpose of the author to write ad copy?   -Name Of product (Product Name) This is about the name and brand. What products, services or events to sell?   -User (Users) Which requires a product? Ares what products and servicesor events to sell?

6. Examples of Advertisement (Advertising)
-Sale Blackberry mobile phone Q10, black 100% intact and complete. Still new, official Match Price SCM 4.3 million. 2 Year. Preferably COD's, Locations in Sedayu Bantul Yogyakarta. Serious interest please contact us, Phone 081328886002, Thank you.

Jürgen Klopp, Sang Pembawa Romantisme Kejayaan Liverpool Era Bill Shankly

Nama Liverpool begitu termahsyur pada medio 1970-an sampai awal 1990-an. Kala itu, pada 1959, Bill Shankly yang menjadi manajer Liverpool melakukan perombakan besar, bukan hanya pada tubuh melainkan jiwa Liverpool. Ia memperbaiki segala lini yang membuat The Reds memiliki kekuatan untuk naik ke divisi teratas dan mencatatkan kejayaan.

Shankly pun pensiun pada 1974. Estafet kejayaan Liverpool diteruskan Bob Paisley sampai Kenny Dalglish. Sayangnya, setelah itu kejayaan Liverpool seolah memudar; meninggalkan romantisme sejarah penggemar Liverpool di era Premier League.

Tragedi Heysel menjadi awal penanda kemunduran prestasi Liverpool. Mereka absen di kancah Eropa selama enam tahun. Lalu, tragedi Hillsborouh melengkapi catatan buruk tersebut. Puluhan Kopites meninggal yang menyisakan duka mendalam. Bahkan, Kenny Dalglish pun meninggalkan klub yang sedang berjuang meraih gelar karena trauma. Tragedi Heysel dan Hillsborough seolah memberi peringatan kalau masa jaya Si Merah telah sampai pada akhirnya. Selepas itu, pada era Premier League, yang dicecap Liverpool seakan hanyalah kejayaan laten.

Premier League dimulai pada 1992. Liverpool menunjuk Graeme Souness sebagai manajer baru. Tapi kemudian dia menjadi suksesor yang buruk. Ketidakkonsistenan performa menjadi alasan. Meski masih sempat menjuarai Piala FA pada 1992, tapi Souness hanya bertahan sampai 1994.

Roy Evans kemudian ditunjuk menggantikan Souness. Evans berhasil mengembalikan warisan Shankly, yaitu pass and move. Tetapi materi pemain yang kurang mendukung membuat Liverpool tak bisa meneror perebutan gelar juara. Meski muncul juga pemain-pemain muda berbakat, tapi Evans tak mampu membawa Liverpool ke konsistensi yang jaya. Hingga pada 1998, klub menunjuk Gerrard Houllier menemani Evans sebagai joint manager. Tapi kemudian Roy Evans merasa tak cocok dengan Gerrard Houllier dan mengundurkan diri.

Setelah jadi manajer tunggal, Gerrard Houllier melakukan perombakan besar. Nama-nama macam Sami Hyypia, Stephan Henchoz, Dietmar Hamann, dan Gary McAllister masuk. Selain itu Michael Owen juga kian matang dan tampil moncer, juga, Houllier mempromosikan bakat muda bernama Steven Gerrard.

Perombakan Houllier mulai berbuah manis ketika musim 2000/2001 Liverpool memenangi tiga gelar: Piala FA, Piala Liga, dan Piala UEFA. Tapi kejayaan Houllier tak bertahan lama. Taktik bertahan yang diusungnya dianggap tak bisa bersaing di Liga Inggris, sehingga pada 2004 dia digantikan Rafael Benitez.

Ekspektasi tinggi disematkan pada diri Benitez. Mengingat dia—bersama Valencia—adalah pemecah dominasi Madrid-Barca di Liga Spanyol. Ekspektasi itu terjawab, pada akhir musim 2004/2005, Benitez membawa Liverpool juara Liga Champions secara dramatis. Menorehkan sejarah sebagai salah satu final UCL terbaik sepanjang masa. Ditambah musim keduanya yang membawa pulang Piala FA yang tak kalah dramatis pula. Publik Liverpool kembali berandai-andai tentang trofi Liga Inggris dan masa kejayaan.

Pada masa Benitez juga, Liverpool punya ujung tombak setajam Fernando Torres yang didukung lini tengah solid binaan Steven Gerrard dan Xabi Alonso. Hal ini membuat Liverpool pada musim 2008/2009 menampakkan taring di liga. Musim yang hebat sebelum dengan tragis mereka disalip Manchester United yang menjadi juara, dan harus puas sebagai runner-up. Setelah 2008/2009, Benitez menjalani musim yang suram dan performa Liverpool merosot drastis, sehingga dia pun akhirnya dipecat dan digantikan Roy Hodgson.

Tak ada yang istimewa dari era Hodgson. Performa yang angin-anginan ditambah masalah internal klub membuat Liverpool menjadi tim papan bawah. Berada di zona degradasi, hingga akhirnya Roy Hodgson dipecat.

Merajut Era Kejayaan

‘King’ Kenny Dalglish kembali menahkodai Liverpool. Membuat keputusan berani dengan menjual Torres, Dalglish memasukkan Suarez dan Carroll sebagai taring baru. Juga dia berkeputusan memainkan pemain-pemain muda. Kedatangan Dalglish membawa angin segar. Liverpool bangkit dari papan bawah dan mengakhiri musim di peringkat keenam. Raihan luar biasa yang membuat ekspektasi publik kembali membumbung. Pada akhirnya, seperti yang sudah-sudah, pasukan Kenny berakhir mengecewakan dengan finis di bawah zona Liga Champions. King Kenny pun digantikan oleh Brendan Rodgers.

Rodgers sebelumnya telah mengalami era yang membanggakan bersama Swansea. Hal ini membuat para penggemar kembali berharap. Permainan menyerang yang diperagakannya ditambah ketajaman Suarez kembali mengangkat harkat Liverpool. Puncaknya adalah musim 2013/2014. Suarez menggila, Liverpool yang sebelumnya tak difavoritkan juara mengganas di musim ini. Bertengger di puncak klasmen dengan torehan gol yang fantastis pada nyaris akhir musim. Tapi kemudian Gerrard “terpeleset”, penampilan Liverpool angin-anginan, lalu menjadi runner-up lagi.

Akhir era Rodgers ditandai kepergian Suarez dan pensiunnya Gerrard. Liverpool di bawah Rodgers tampil tak konsisten dan menuai hasil-hasil buruk. Kebijakan transfer yang tak tepat tambah memperparah performa klub. Hingga akhirnya, belum lama ini, Brendan Rodgers dipecat digantikan Jurgen Klopp.

Apa bisa diharapkan dari Klopp? Sebenarnya ada banyak, mengingat Klopp adalah yang membawa Borussia Dortmund tampil gilang-gemilang selama beberapa musim. Juga gaya permainan dan kepemimpinannya memang terlihat menjanjikan.

Liverpool—meski masih terbilang inkonsisten—mulai membaik. Terakhir kita melihat bagaimana Klopp dan timnya membuat comeback luar biasa di Carrow Road, skor 5-4 untuk Liverpool setelah sebelumnya tertinggal 1-3. Tapi memang pertandingan dramatis seperti ini telah lekat dalam masa “kejayaan laten” Liverpool. Bagaimana mereka bertarung dengan luar biasa sehingga menimbulkan romantisme yang manis dikenang adalah “biasa”.

Houllier pernah meraih treble dengan dramatis. Begitu pula Rafa yang membawa trofi UCL dan FA Cup dengan dramatis. Belum lagi pertandingan-pertandingan yang menegangkan lagi patut dikenang. Pada masa Premier League, Liverpool memang punya banyak pertandingan macam itu meski minim trofi. Dan para fans sudah begitu rindu dengan gelar liga apalagi masa jaya Bill Shankly sampai Kenny Dalglish dulu.

Kopites terkenal sebagi fans yang tabah, karena romantisme yang dihadirkan selama ini memang membuat jiwa mereka romantik. Pertandingan dramatis, momen-momen jaya yang kadang-kadang, membuat mereka tak menjadi fans glory hunter. Meskipun kerinduan akan trofi dan masa jaya yang sebenar-benarnya kian menjadi. Tetapi mereka tak bakal gampang berpaling dari klub kesayangannya.

Selama era Premier League, tak ada santapan fans Liverpool selain kejayaan yang sebentar saja dan romantisme, apalagi romantisme sejarah. Hal ini menjadi tantangan bagi Klopp. Akankah ia akan meneruskan jejak pendahulunya di era Premier League? Mempersembahkan romantisme dan kejayaan yang sebentar saja? Atau sanggup membawa Liverpool ke garis konsistensi sampai benar-benar berjaya kembali? Biarlah waktu yang menjawabnya.

Meski Klopp telah membawa nafas baru yang baik, jangan terlalu berharap, wahai penggemar Liverpool. Karena, berdasarkan kejadian yang sudah-sudah, selama Premier League, kehidupan Liverpool selalu begini. Membaik untuk kemudian menghadirkan blunder dan tumbang. Tapi siapa tahu? Mungkin juga malah Klopp yang menjadi reinkarnasi Bill Shankly. Lagipula kita bisa melihat bagaimana Klopp mengubah berbagai hal di Liverpool, mulai dari gaya permainan yang aktif menyerang sampai mengelola pemain akademi.